Tuesday 13 September 2011

Yeah... Thats Me! ;)

I am me. No one knows me better than myself. I’m still always learning new things about who I am. Only I can control the way I behave, the way I feel, and the way I react in different situations, no one else has that ability.

I’m confident, but I  have weird moments!
I’m no supermodel, I still eat McDonald’s :P

Sometimes Im afraid of losing everything, but again- Lifes a CRazzy Ride and nothing is guaranteed ;). I love my life and every person that lives in it, sure its not perfect. Neither am I! I’ve got the best friends rather  the craziest ones… We don’t always get along, but we cant not talk for too long. Specially cause talking would be rated as my #1 Hobby. After which, Id list eating, shopping, bugging people and messing around with stuff. That’s a very weird person to be B-) Though, I know ive got people that will always stick around for me and ones that I have forever. “I can count on them cause they can count of me” Sometimes for sure remain Forever.

Nothing happens like it does in movies* Get Real! No ones perfect, being able to admit when your wrong is important, but so is standing up for yourself when your right; no matter whose there with you or not. You’ve got to like yourself before worrying  about who else does. I’m a Foodie, rather Fat and Happy for a fact, Life will let you down, People will let you down..But food? It’s there all along (:

If you want a Perfect Girl, go buy yourself a Barbie Doll! ;)
Cause I won’t change anything in my life.
I’m Staying Myself each Day and Night