Thursday 29 September 2011

Favorite Things :)

Favorite Things <3
(Having a best friend is like having a sister.. and I know I have my best friend forever! :) 

Walking in the rain,
spending time on a date
You’ve always been a true mate!
Your like a Mango Milkshake that always cheers me up,
Being my happy emotion from toddlers to teens B)
Without you my days are incomplete
like jars without jelly beans…

Your almost the oxygen to live,
As important as undergarments :D
Incomparable to anything that is,
Or will ever be.
Like shoes for socks,
And Mud for pigs,
Like Food and Me ; we’re together like twigs…

You’re the feeling when time flys,
Teasing eachother causing butterflies,
You’re the book to my Twilight,
Shining like a star forever bright.

For whenever I feel low,
I remember my favorite things..
And don’t feel bad anymore (:

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