Thursday 8 September 2011

Apricot :)

-What the character wants to achieve? 
They male actor, has seen the girl a few times before but doesn't know where. He wants to figure out where hes seen her and who is she. 

-What is preventing him/her? 
He doesnt remember clearly remember her or where they've met before if they possibly have. 

-Does the character change? What does he/she learn?
No, the character doesn't change. However, he learns its never too late and she recognizes him.

-Character Trait Chart: 
Character- The Girl....
  • Childish- She argues about knowing about him and his past if shes answering his questions. She cribs about wanting to know about him in return. 
  • Curious- She doesnt believe the fact that he doesnt remember his first love! And is very curious to know about him after each question she answers about herself.
  • Happy- She didn't let her past affect her or the fact that her first love wasn't with her anymore. 
  • Friendly- Making a conversation with a stranger for around 3 hours isn't easy. Both people should be extroverts and very friendly. 
  • Pleasant- She is always smiling, happy and fun to talk to which is what makes her pleasant. 
She is a very imaginative person. Each question he asks her, reminds her of her past and takes her back in time to everything that happened when she was young. She remembers her first love, her first kiss and every moment she lived with him. How he stared at the Sun more than anyone else! And always sucked on apricot. She begins reliving those days, remembering the times she stayed around playing with her friends and secretly stared at her first love and smiled. She beings recalling and dictating those times and memories how happy she was with him, which brings a smile to her face. 
Her backstory has an impact on her as his memories make her smile.
Everyones first love is special, so was hers!

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