Thursday 6 October 2011

Identity Poem!

What is an Acrostic Poem?

An Acrostic Poem uses letters in a topic word to begin each line.
All lines in the poem should relate to or describe the poem.
M- Makes you smile on your worst days (:
E- Entertaining, like going through the television  
H- Hogggg..There’s always food on her face :D
A- Always ready to Party and Have Fun. Takes life
     like a fun maze =)
K- Kickass would be the perfect trait! ;)

Friday 30 September 2011

Trip To The Moon B)

Just like every other night, lying on my bed, thinking to myself, “I wish I could be on the moon”. Then finally one day my dream came true!
A Visit to the Moon!
I skipped happily to my Rocket and way-to-go, here I come, Mr Moon. After the long journey of 3dayss, I landed.
It was a massive body on plain land with not even a sound of a drop. I should send my teachers here when they want Pin-Drop Silence! Anyway, as tiny as it looked from my window, it was a million-billion times larger. However lonely this heavenly body is; it’s still so beautiful. Here it lies alone in the sky so high, reflecting light from the sun and dancing away to glory each night. And as the sun rises, it has tears in his eyes for when its time to say GoodBye! But out of anyones imagination, where its considered to be made of silver or metal, or something as shiny as gold, this creation of the world is made from Cheese! 

As soon as I realized I laid down and began to bite and quickly put some in a bag for each night. Its smoother than silkand out of the polluted atmosphere its got no end. I ran all around until I remembered its circular and realized I always ended at where I started. Being on the moon felt like flying in the sky. (Well, maybe because it was in the sky). How small the world looked from here, I wondered? Even the tallest or biggest structures seemed as small as an ant and how long I enjoyed being away from the Ugly World!

All worries and thoughts disappeared until I saw a patch with Black spots. That’s when Global Warming struck my head. Each wonder of the world was being destroyed yet it didn’t reduce the fascinating facts about the moon. Prettier than a girl, tastier than anything, with absolutely no comparison it was *Perfect!*. 

However I wouldn’t want to leave, there wasn’t an option. After spending 8 hours there it made me still want to wait! I grabbed some more part of Cheese, clicked a few pictures to keep memories living forever and scratched my name in there for a remembrance to anyone else who reached there.
Every night watching the moon, I re-live each moment.


Picture On The Moon---->>